#0274 – Ammo.com Data Study: Sales Have Risen 720% in Response to Coronavirus Panic

COVID-19 Data Study: Ammunition Sales

Updated March 24, 2020: As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread across the United States, its impact can be seen in every community. Businesses and schools are closed, the stock market is exceptionally volatile, and store shelves are empty as the American public has scrambled to prepare for the worldwide pandemic and social distancing prescribed by the WHO and CDC.

While people have stockpiled toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and pantry essentials, they’ve also purchased ammunition at an unprecedented rate. Here at Ammo.com, our growth in sales directly correlates with the rise of COVID-19 and its spread across the country. Starting on February 23rd, sales began to increase as the search term “coronavirus” gained traction, according to Google Trends. This increase in sales has continued as follows:

  • 720% increase in revenue
  • 434% increase in transactions
  • 334% increase in site traffic
  • 27% increase in conversion rate
  • 45% increase in average order value

Note: These figures compare 30 days of sales, February 23 to March 23, to the previous 30 day time period, January 24 to February 22, 2020. Time-permitting, these figures will be updated on an ongoing basis to keep the public abreast of market conditions.

State-by-State Breakdown of Ammo Sale Increases Due to Coronavirus

The table below lists the top 10 states by total sales volume from February 23rd onwards, and their corresponding percentage increase in sales volume when compared to the previous time period. Here is how to interpret that data:

  • State Ranking by Sales Volume: Displays the total sales volume on a state-by-state basis in column 1. (Not all states are listed.) And how much percentage-wise sales have increased to that particular state since February 23rd in column 2.
  • Most Popular Caliber by Sales Volume: Displays the most popular caliber based on sales volume in that state in column 3. And how much sales of that particular caliber have increased percentage-wise in that particular state since February 23rd. Columns 5 and 7 display the 2nd and 3rd most popular calibers based on sales volume in that state; columns 6 and 8 display how much the sale of those particular calibers has increased on a percentage basis.
State Ranking by Sales Volume Most Popular Caliber

by Sales Volume

2nd 3rd
State % Increase % Increase % Increase % Increase
1. Texas +812% 9mm ammo +823% 223 ammo +2,835% 5.56×45 ammo +510%
2. Florida +545% 9mm ammo +719% 223 ammo +1,197% 5.56×45 ammo +513%
3. Illinois +796% 9mm ammo +756% 223 ammo +1,387% 5.56×45 ammo +561%
4. Georgia +701% 9mm ammo +628% 223 ammo +3,571% 5.56×45 ammo +1,773%
5. Colorado +1276% 9mm ammo +1,145% 223 ammo +4,269% 5.56×45 ammo +548%
6. Arizona +945% 9mm ammo +962% 223 ammo +1,947% 5.56×45 ammo +812%
7. Virginia +460% 9mm ammo +571% 223 ammo +792% 5.56×45 ammo +224%
8. Ohio +897% 9mm ammo +643% 223 ammo +3,281% 5.56×45 ammo +1,024%
9. Washington +752% 9mm ammo +1,126% 223 ammo +2,551% 5.56×45 ammo +516%
10. North Carolina +544% 9mm ammo +599% 223 ammo +1,887% 5.56×45 ammo +196%


Note: Due to city and state laws, Ammo.com does not ship ammunition to AlaskaHawaiiMassachusettsCalifornia, Washington, D.C., New York City, or Chicago. These jurisdictions, along with a handful of other states, have been excluded from the table above.

You can find the most recent stats on increased ammunition sales in response to coronavirus at Ammo.com.

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