#2178 – Q News

Q News 09/11/21

Gene Decode answers a question about the “Man of God Declaration” and just before the one hour mark the topic of “deals” comes up and he discusses at length the situation with Robert David Steele. Gene may be our most candid insider and is more interested in sharing the reality than massaging the truth. I feel the same way. He confirms my assessment that it was a deal.

Folks may have heard Michael Jaco say obviously there was something but he was not going to speak ill of RDS (which I would expect because he is a leader in the alt news community and has to comply with White Hat requests), and Juan O’Savin said Robert was spiritual. The cabal are very spiritual; they worship Satan! They stole control of an entire planet for Satan.

I felt Steele had been replaced a few months ago when he suddenly seemed to be a much nicer person. Definitely not the same guy, IMO. Different frequency. Imagine the information he could have shared with the White Hats since he was so deeply involved in the ITNJ and Human trafficking victims. source

I know it seems like all hell is breaking loose, however what you are witnessing is evil’s final inhale before it’s dying breath.

This is the moment. The line that shall not be crossed.

After today’s announcement, 10s of millions of Americans will be in a staring contest with their own government.

The Federal sector cannot afford to lose this battle.

Yet they WILL lose. They WILL blink. They WILL cower.

[THEY] are utterly powerless and We The People are about to remind them of that.


Always consider the bigger picture. Biden is showing the stark contrast between the cabal and the Patriots. Dark vs light.
People are waking up like never before and I’m at maximum comfort levels because of God.
POTUS 45 has all the Trump cards he needs in his hands.
Leaps of faith can be exhilarating if you have the right mindset while you take them.
We are going to love the way this journey ends. source

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