#2269 – Putin to Trump: “Your Media Lies!. This is not an invasion”

Minutes before Russian cruise missiles struck targets in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin made an urgent call to Donald J. Trump, saying his military had launched a “controlled assault” on “terrorist” targets within the Ukraine, said a Mar-a-Lago source speaking under promise of anonymity.

Putin told Trump that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the West would do everything in their power to paint his “specialized military action” as an imperialistic full-scale invasion.

He purportedly told Trump targets included “terrorist” bioweapons facilities, including an Israeli-funded biolab in eastern Ukraine that was researching how to create and weaponize “airborne rabies.”

“Putin spoke to Trump again Thursday morning,” our source said.

“Your media is lying. This is not an invasion,” Putin reportedly said to Trump.

The West’s theatricality, Putin said, could easily be proven. He said there is no visually verifiable evidence of “massive explosions” throughout the Ukraine or of massive amphibious landings in Odessa or Mariupol.

There is at least some evidence to support Putin’s claims. An on-air Fox News anchor wearing a helmet and flak vest was in Kiev giving a live update. Suddenly, he seemed shocked to hear and see what he called a “huge explosion” somewhere in Kiev. However, viewers neither heard nor saw an explosion. The cameraman never panned away from the correspondent.

“This is all deception, President Trump. You have your Deep State, I have to battle mine,” Putin told Trump. There is no occupation.”

At this point, Real Raw News is making no claims as to whether Putin is or is not telling the complete truth. At the first stages of any conflict, propaganda abounds.


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