#1501 – BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s ‘Fixer’ Identified – A Secret Service Head In a Major US City

[MWN] Wow!  The Biden Family “Now Showing” on PornHub!!!

For 47 years former Vice President Joe Biden was in politics.  He is now the Democrat Candidate for President.  However, recently unearthed activities involving Biden and his son Hunter have placed the whole family in a very embarrassing situation.

The problem for the Bidens is that their corrupt and seedy activities have now come to light and most of them involve Hunter Biden, Joe’s son.

We’ve reported on Hunter having a porn account and sharing pictures of his sexual activity as well as activities with at least one member of the Biden family:

We’ve reported on his seedy dealings with foreign individuals that placed him and his family in blackmail type situations:

We’ve reported on a series of activities with a minor where the entire family was covering up for Hunter:

Even with the family’s efforts to cover up Hunter Biden’s escapades he was still such a huge risk he must have had other help in covering up his messes.  He did and we identified who he is.  Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer writes:

But it turns out that just like in the case of Carlos the Jackal, Hunter’s magic ability to walk through walls can be attributed to an all powerful fixer and enabler service. The composite below may help demystify the question of how he managed to get away with it for years with what would have otherwise landed anyone else a life in federal prison without parole sentence .

At the very least Hunter Biden put the Secret Service in precarious situations.  But Hunter’s actions were so over the top that the efforts to cover for Hunter were likely over the top as well.

It turns out someone at the Secret Service was covering up for Hunter’s corrupt, illegal and perverted acts.  We now know who that is.

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