#0221 – Jim Quinn: Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself (& The End Of The World’s Existing Social Order)

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

“So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.”

– Franklin D. Roosevelt – March 4, 1933

Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke these words during his first inauguration at the depths of the Great Depression in 1933. The narrative taught in government schools is how FDR’s words invigorated the nation and inspired the people to show courage in the face of adversity. His terminology was that of a general leading his troops into battle.

What is not taught in government schools or proclaimed by the propaganda spewing fake news media were the dictatorial type actions taken by FDR over the next month after his “inspirational” speech. He was the first Democrat president to not let a crisis go to waste. The day after his inauguration, Roosevelt assembled a special session of Congress to declare a four-day bank holiday, and on March 9 signed the Emergency Banking Act.

What the American people should have feared was the government taking control of every aspect of their lives and threatening them with imprisonment if their dictums were not followed. On March 6, taking advantage of a wartime statute that had not been repealed, he issued Presidential Proclamation 2039 that forbade the hoarding ‘of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency’, under penalty of $10,000 and/or up to five to ten years imprisonment.”

One month later, Roosevelt implemented Executive Order 6102 “forbidding the hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates within the continental United States”. FDR, like every corrupt politician, overstepped his authority by invoking the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, to seize all the gold in the country. The fake reason for the order was that hard times had caused “hoarding” of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse.

As usual, the Federal Reserve created the Great Depression through their recklessly easy monetary policy during the 1920s, creating a stock market bubble and its inevitable crash. The false rationale behind the order was to remove the restriction on the Federal Reserve which prevented it from increasing the money supply during the depression; the Federal Reserve Act (1913) required 40% gold backing of Federal Reserve Notes issued.

Excessive money printing by the Fed to benefit their Wall Street owners and the monied interests is a consistent theme since the Fed’s shameful conception in 1913. They catalyzed the Great Depression Fourth Turning in 1929 and seventy-nine years later created the current Greater Depression Fourth Turing in 2008. Americans should fear what they have done to our country.

Roosevelt used the fears of the American people to elevate the Federal government as the savior and ultimate allocator of dispensations to the masses. This is how politicians used fear in the 1930s to implement more control over our lives. They used the 2008 Wall Street created financial collapse to further confiscate the nation’s resources, while screwing over the little guy.

Now, we are in the midst of another manufactured crisis where government control of every aspect of our lives will be implemented through mandates, quarantines, and ultimately military force. There is nothing to fear but listening to politicians, government apparatchiks, and the hysteria inducing corporate media doing the bidding of their oligarch masters.

“The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.”

– Frederic Bastiat

I’ve followed this entire coronavirus outbreak with a skeptical eye since it first appeared on the radar in January. Knowing that I’m lied to by virtually everyone has made it difficult to comprehend the truth about this ongoing crisis. We know China lied to the entire world about the outbreak in Wuhan. It wasn’t until social media revealed the true extent of the virus and quarantine of a city larger than NYC, that the world began to understand this was serious.

The fact that a military bio-lab in Wuhan somehow contributed to the initial outbreak has been downplayed by the propaganda media. The arrest of a Harvard chemistry professor and two Chinese nationals for trying to smuggle biological vials to China in January is also highly suspicious.  A Canadian government scientist at the National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg made at least five trips to China in 2017-18, including one to train scientists and technicians at China’s newly certified Level 4 lab, which does research with deadly pathogens.

All indications point to this virus being man made, for purposes of biological war. Whether it was released into the world by accident or on purpose is unknown. What we do know is it is now spreading rapidly in every country around the globe. I don’t doubt it is highly contagious and will kill a large number of health compromised people. The growth rate goes exponential, based on what has happened in China, Italy and now countries across the globe. China reports that it has peaked and is in decline. Of course, they lie about everything, so these reports are suspect. If true, it can be attributed to their military lock down of cities and martial law ruthlessly implemented against its people. You can be sure our beloved leaders have noted the cold-blooded use of the military to implement their mandatory confinement. Obey or die.

In the middle of 2019, something beneath the surface of our debt based financial system broke. Suddenly, the Fed began to cut interest rates. This was done when the economy was “the best ever” according to Trump. They cut three times during the second half of 2019. The repo market went berserk in September. The Fed began “not QE” in January as the wheels began to fall off. The Wall Street lemmings cheered and bought everything in sight, propelling the market to the most overvalued in history. The Wall Street titans encouraged the public to buy, buy, buy. The Fed balance sheet made a V like “recovery”, skyrocketing by $700 billion in a matter of months. The daily bailing out of Wall Street banks has continued at an increasing level.

There was no fear exhibited by the likes of Dalio, Dimon or Shwarzman. The crash was inevitable. It just needed a catalyst. And that catalyst was the coronavirus. The more than 20% drop in less than two weeks was fastest in history. The Fed has attempted to capitalize on this crisis to further enrich their Wall Street benefactors. Trump was so exhilarated by the 7% bounce on Friday, he signed a stock chart for his sycophant ass kisser Lou Dobbs.

Trump continued to badger his pussified Fed Chairman Powell to slash rates more. Powell cowered under the glare of Trump and his Wall Street puppeteers and went all in on Sunday, slashing rates to zero and officially launching QE5. He has zero bullets left in the chamber. If he can’t reignite the stock market bubble with this recklessly outrageous conduct, then it’s game over and the Greater Depression will commence.

In the past week, politicians, bureaucrats and bankers of all stripes have used this coronavirus crisis, to increase their control and power over our daily lives. They passed another “stimulus package” that was 300 pages and no one in Congress read before voting it through. It’s filled with pork and corporate goodies. Manuchin, another Goldman vampire squid, is doing all he can to keep the net worth of his banker and corporate buddies headed north during this crisis.

Bailouts for airlines, cruise lines, frackers, hotels, and any other favored industry is in the offing. The fact these fake capitalists borrowed at near zero rates and bought back hundreds of billions of their stock in order to boost their stock price and reward themselves with hundreds of millions in bonuses, is water under the bridge in our crony capitalist paradise. It is truly despicable and traitorous to bailout these scumbags after their ten year orgy on the nation’s wealth.

Trump and his minions are following the exact playbook used in 2008/2009. Socialism for the corporate titans when they blow up the financial system, while average Americans lose their jobs and have their 401ks wiped out for the 3rd time in the last two decades. Every action being taken by politicians today is to save Wall Street and the mega-corporations who buy and sell them.

Main Street will be fucked over once again. ZIRP throws senior citizens under the bus. The spreading of irrational fear about this virus by the propaganda media is designed to convince the ignorant masses to beg their government keepers to save their lives. What critical thinking Americans should conclude is how corrupt, incompetent and evil their elected and unelected leaders have proven to be.

This Fourth Turning is really heating up. We have entered the phase where body counts will accelerate. No one knows whether the coronavirus will result in thousands of deaths or millions of deaths. Anyone telling you they know what is going to happen is a liar. If you think your Constitutional rights have been trashed through the mass surveillance being conducted by our government, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Wait until they declare this coronavirus out of control requiring a countrywide quarantine enforced by the U.S. military. When military vehicles are patrolling your streets with the threat of arrest or death if you leave your home, you’ll know the Constitution has been tossed into the trash bin. After decades of government school indoctrination and mass media propaganda, the sheep will passively be led to slaughter.

Our Himalayan mountain of debt is about to come tumbling down. The Federal Reserve has proven to be nothing but a whore for the Wall Street pimps. They have destroyed any semblance of credibility and independence they once had. The economic impact of this global pandemic will drive the entire world into recession. The likely outcome is a global depression as fear replaces greed and debts can’t be repaid. Fiscal stimulus when the national debt is already $23 trillion is like injecting adrenaline into a cancer patient. Small businesses are going to fail and unemployment is going to rise. This farce of a debt ponzi scheme is over.

Once economies across the world implode, with central bankers having failed epically, and citizens angry about how their political leaders have failed them, feckless politicians will do what they always do. They will create a foreign bogeyman enemy to redirect the ire of their citizens. Again, our leaders will exaggerate threats to induce fear into the masses. Will it be China or Russia or both? Some false flag will be utilized to launch another Fourth Turning war.

Millions will be sent to their deaths by foolish egomaniacal leaders. These crisis periods follow the same dynamic, only the specific events and triggers change. The existing social order will be swept away. Fourth Turnings always separate the wheat from the chaff. 2020 is destined to go down in history as the year where decades of lies, corruption, thievery and corporate fascism came crashing down. Who picks up the pieces after the crash will determine our future.

“With the civic ethos now capable of producing civic deeds, a new dynamic of threat and response takes hold. 

Instead of downplaying problems, leaders start exaggerating them. 

Instead of deferring solutions, they accelerate them. 

Instead of tolerating diversity, they demand consensus. 

Instead of coaxing people with promises of minimal sacrifice, they summon them with warnings of maximal sacrifice. 

A new resolve about urgent public goals crowds out qualms about questionable public means.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

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