#0736 – Prepping: 15 Things That Will Happen When The Economy Finally Collapses

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,

We should all be prepared for what’s coming next.  In order to prepare effectively, we need to know what will happen when the economy finally collapses under its own weight.  The creation of money out of thin air could only go on for so long, and we are approaching the end.

Epic Economist put together a great video detailing the 15 things (and yes, some are a little scary) that will happen when the economy collapses.  At this point in time and history, it is no surprise that an economic collapse is coming for us. When the world’s largest economy is deep down in a recession, many other countries will not be late to follow the same path.

The financial breakdown the world is about to face over the next few years will be an unprecedented catastrophe, especially considering that the underlying problems from previous crashes were never fixed, only mended together. A real repair would require a complete restructuration in the system, and the elites were never interested in fixing the system that they set up to screw the rest of us.

These are the 15 things that will happen that you should be prepared for:

1 -Fuel Shortages, or rationing of fuel

2 -Carjackings rise

3- Interstate Trucking is compromised, limiting the supply of essential goods

4-Defaults in garbage disposal and urban sanitation

5- Food scarcity, a disruption in food supply chains

6-Water quality drops

7-The population gets on survival mode, one example of this could be the slaughtering of zoo animals for food.

8-Pets go missing

9-Civil agitation leads to turbulence in the streets

10-Attacks become more frequent

11-Kidnappings Increase

12-Gang Activity Increases

13-Banks Close

14-Hospitals become Overloaded

15-Martial Law Enacted

Knowing that these things are likely to happen when the economy collapses should help give you an idea of what you’re going to need to be prepared.  Make sure you know how to defend yourself and your family. Make sure you have a way to filter water.  You will need to be able to avoid crowds and live on your own, potentially off the grid. Become self-reliant and do not put your faith in the system.  Most people are still desperately fighting to keep the system intact in spite of the awareness that it’s rigged and corrupt.  Instead, leave the system, put your faith in yourself, improve critical thinking skills, and create your back up plans.

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