#1099 – Kamala Harris, Not Feeble Basement-Dwelling Joe Biden, Will Travel to DC to Deliver Counter to President Trump’s Convention Speech

Kamala Harris, not basement-dwelling Joe Biden will travel to DC to deliver a counter to President Trump’s convention speech on Thursday.

77-year-old (almost 78) Joe Biden is too feeble to travel and campaign.

Biden rarely leaves his Delaware basement and when he does, he stays close to home so he can shuffle back to his bunker for a nap.

Now he’s deploying his running mate as the main event to counter President Trump’s convention speech.

The Hill reported:

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will deliver a speech Thursday to counter President Trump’s remarks at the Republican National Convention formally accepting the GOP presidential nomination.

Harris, the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nominee, will speak in Washington, D.C., “on President Trump’s failures to contain COVID-19 and protect working families from the economic fallout” and the “Biden-Harris plan to contain COVID-19 and build a different path forward in America,” former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign said in a press release.

Trump is planning to give his speech Thursday from the White House lawn, and Harris’s remarks will serve as the Democratic Party’s main counter to his appearance.

Joe Biden actually believes he can win the 2020 election by staying home.

Biden said in an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir that aired Sunday that he can beat President Trump by staying home and holding virtual campaign events.

Biden also lashed out at President Trump for traveling and campaigning. That’s right. Biden, a presidential candidate, is attacking his opponent for traveling and campaigning during an election.


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