#1351 – Texas School Districts Are Ending Remote Learning – 40-70% of Students Were Failing

Texas School Boards have had enough of remote learning.  The main complaint is that the children are for the most part failing in their schooling.

It’s being reported across Texas that School Districts are getting rid of remote learning.  Many are like the Refugio School District:

The Refugio Independent School District announced Monday they will no longer provide remote learning as an alternative to face-to-face instruction. The change goes into effect Monday, Oct. 19.

The Refugio ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to end virtual learning throughout the district in order to “improve instruction and academic outcomes” for students. Parents who do not want to send their child back to campus must notify the campus principal that the student will either be homeschooled or transferred to a district that offers virtual learning.

Texas schools are ending remote learing:


70% of remoter learners are failing to succeed:


Five more schools ended remote learning:


Hat tip to Dr. Andrew Bostom

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