#1526 – Erie, Pennsylvania USPS Worker Placed on UNPAID LEAVE For Blowing Whistle on Backdating of Ballots

Pennsylvania USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins went public last Thursday and confirmed federal investigators have spoken with him about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s order to backdate ballots to November 3rd, 2020.

Richard Hopkins was the SECOND Pennsylvania USPS whistleblower who came forward to Project Veritas on Thursday claiming the Postmaster ordered late ballots to be picked up and separated to be backdated.


An affidavit signed by Hopkins was given to Lindsey Graham and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Richard Hopkins is now being targeted and was placed on UNPAID LEAVE for blowing the whistle on backdating of ballots.

Hopkins should sue immediately!


It gets worse…

James O’Keefe said Richard Hopkins’ GoFundMe was flagged and it is not allowing withdrawals.


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