#1778 – YouTube Announces New Censorship Rules – Will Take Down Videos Alleging Fraud and Disputing 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results

YouTube announced Tuesday it will take down videos questioning the integrity of the U.S. presidential election that millions of Americans, most notably President Trump, believe was stolen through numerous fraudulent actions, lawfare chicanery and computer manipulation.
YouTube says it already has been rigging search results and algorithms to hide “misleading” election videos, describing the censorship effort as, “Limiting the reach of borderline content and prominently surfacing authoritative information.” YouTube says that even though the “misleading” videos account for a miniscule part of viewership, “Problematic misinformation represents a fraction of 1% of what’s watched on YouTube in the U.S,” the firm says, “we know we can bring that number down even more.”
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YouTube’s move to censor political speech comes as President Trump is threatening to veto the military appropriations bill over the failure of Congress to repeal the Section 230 law that protects Internet platforms like YouTube from being treated like publishers.

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